I gleaned this bit of wisdom from Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, an excellent book on thanksgiving. In the Afterword, Ann says that each moment is a battle to choose between grudginess and gratefulness.
Today as I ironed my husband's pants -- not something I do often -- I realized my negative attitude about the task (not toward my husband). I opened my thankfulness eyes and thought about the privilege I have to iron his pants: God chose to have him here on this earth today for me (though not just for me), and I get the privilege of living today with him.
As I look around me at the clothes to fold, the dishes to wash, and the other tasks to accomplish in order to keep our household running, my goal is to continue to not take any of it for granted. God has told me in Matthew 6 that, as I seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, He is providing for my every need. I realize that the pants I ironed today are an extra blessing, more than I need, not granted. The many dishes I wash each week are extra, not granted; we only truly need two bowls, two glasses, two forks, and a one pan to cook in.